Real Human Recruiters:
We will be your personal job-hunting coach, taking the work out of your job search. We hand-pick job openings that align with each client's skills and career goals.
We understand that job searching can be frustrating. We'll work closely with you to understand your unique situation and provide personalized support every step of the way.
During your initial consultation, we'll discuss your career history, your ideal work environment, your salary expectations, and your long-term ambitions. We'll then use this information to create a tailored strategy just for you.
We also take the time to write personalized cover letters and follow-up letters for hiring managers on your behalf. This way, you can focus on what you do best: being the best candidate you can be.
If you're ready to take the work out of your job search and start working with RHR, sign up today.
You Have Been Tricked Into Applying For Jobs That Don’t Exist:
Ghost job postings are listings for jobs that don't actually exist. Companies might post them to appear successful, build a candidate pool for future openings, or even try to motivate current employees. These fake postings waste job seekers' time. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, one in five advertised jobs is fake or not filled. That's where we come in. At RHR, our team verifies each job through multiple sources to minimize the risk of applying for ghost jobs.
Getting Started:
Sign up today and have a one-on-one session with one of our leads where we go over your background and goals.
Provide us with a detailed resume/C.V. which we will help custom tailor to each job you like.
Your personal assistant begins the job search.
Invest in your career success for a fraction of the cost of traditional career coaching.
We source every paid premium job board available. Including:
Indeed Job Search
Glassdoor Jobs
Flex Jobs
Google for Jobs
Simply Hired
Craigslist Jobs
Robert Half
If you paid for premium access to each of these job boards it can easily cost upwards of $700 per month.
If you're familiar with these systems, you're probably aware that most rely on automated algorithms that often miss the nuances of your skills and career goals, flooding your inbox with irrelevant job postings.
With a personally assigned assistant, we hand-select the best and most appropriate roles for you, ensuring that you only see opportunities that truly align with your skills, experience, and career aspirations.
Every week, you'll receive a curated list of carefully vetted job opportunities posted directly on company websites, giving you a competitive edge and access to opportunities before they're widely advertised.
We avoid the often overwhelming and less targeted nature of third-party job boards. After you've selected the jobs you're interested in, we'll collaborate with you to craft a compelling, personalized cover letter that showcases your unique skills and experience.
Once approved, we'll help you apply directly through the company's website and provide you with a professionally written thank-you/follow-up note to reinforce your application and show your continued interest
About Us:
We are a family-run business with over 40 years of experience in human resources and recruiting, including over 10 years of hosting candidates at Google.
Why Now?
After COVID-19 and the downturn in the American small business sector and overall economy, we've seen too many of our friends struggle to find work. They get burned out from applying for jobs and spend hours sending resumes for positions that often don't even exist.
The average American spends four hours applying for a single job. In 2023, job hunting is so daunting that many people remain underemployed simply because they don't have time to start the job search after working 8-, 9-, or 10-hour days, plus commuting.
Up until now, reverse recruiting and career coaching have been a luxury reserved for the most affluent. It has typically cost between $2,000 and $4,000 per month, or $10,000 to $17,000 upfront.
We aim to bring a personalized service to a more affordable price point so that those who need it most can take advantage.